Bello’s chief of staff joins Kogi governorship race

Bello’s chief of staff joins Kogi governorship race

…promises to consolidate boss’ achievements

…39 year old guber hopeful banks on youths for victory

Abdulkareem Asuku, chief of staff to Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state has picked the expression of interest and nomination forms to contest for the governorship ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC) ahead of the November 11 guber election in the confluence state.

The 39 year old chief of staff, accompanied by supporters, obtained the N50 million worth APC forms at the party’s secretariat in Abuja at the weekend.

Addressing journalists, Asuku said he has presented himself to be elected to serve his people and consolidate on the numerous achievements of Governor Bello in the areas of security, infrastructural development, women inclusiveness and all-inclusiveness.

He said constitutionally, the governor can only serve for two terms of eight years or else, the people of Kogi would have still asked him to continue serving them.

“His (Bello) administration has achieved more than 40% of women’s inclusion and this requires consolidation. And more importantly, his God-fearing style of governance. He has brought development to the nooks and crannies of Kogi state.

“Today, we are not talking about politics of ethnicity and religious affiliation, we are looking for who can bring development. I served as the chief of staff of this administration and many have referred to it as the engine room of the administration. I believe it better to elect a man who is a part of the God-fearing administration of His Excellency,” Asuku said.

The chief of staff said he was sure of victory because the youths constituted 75% of the voters registered as provided by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and that would benefit him as someone within that age bracket.

Asuku also said he was threatened by anyone in the race with him on account of zoning, position, tribe or religion, hence it was an open contest left for the electorate to decide.

“Youths are today in charge in Nigeria and that is why someone like me can come and pick a form to contest for governorship at the age of 39. Asking me about what I have for the youth is not a question at all, when we get there the youths will see themselves.

“I told you before that when His Excellency came on board what used to be the norm is tribe, religion and social class but not today we don’t talk about such things. You talked about Kogi West senatorial district, I have said that it is an open contest and in a democracy, everybody has the right to contest.

“In Kogi by the leadership style of His Excellency, we have gone past such sentiments. If there is any sentiment it is that of youths who are the majority. The people from Kogi West will come and I believe some of them have already come and like I said the people will have their say,” he stated.

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