Douyin gets rights to use video content on iQiyi 

Douyin gets rights to use video content on iQiyi 

Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, announced a new partnership with Netflix-like streaming platform iQiyi on Tuesday. The deal will authorize Douyin to recreate shorter content based on iQiyi’s long video content, including some of its original TV series. Douyin’s sister platforms Toutiao and Xigua Video will also be licensed to use iQiyi content and IP as part of the deal. The China Netcasting Services Association issued a rule in late 2021 that bars short video platforms like Douyin from creating content based on other platforms’ IP, cracking down on the practice of sharing short clips from TV shows and films. Such copyright infringement has long been a major issue in China, and the partnership is a notable step toward a better licensing environment in the entertainment and content industry. [Douyin, in Chinese]

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