Madrid offers to ‘twin’ with Tel Aviv

Madrid offers to ‘twin’ with Tel Aviv

Proposed relationship comes after Barcelona’s mayor boycotts Israel.

(February 9, 2023 / JNS) Call it the Spanish Reacquisition.

What one Spanish city taketh away, another one giveth. Yesterday, Barcelona’s mayor announced she was leading her city down a BDS path, opting to “suspend institutional relations with the State of Israel due to the repeated violations of human rights of the Palestinian population and noncompliance with United Nations resolutions.”

José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the mayor of Madrid, offered his city as a replacement for Tel Aviv in the “twinning” agreement. The mayor of the capital called his Barcelona counterpart antisemitic and offered Tel Aviv’s Mayor Ron Huldai “Madrid’s commitment to democracy and freedom,” ABC reported.

“It would be an honor to be twinned with Tel Aviv,” the mayor said.

Madrid has a population of about 6.8 million while Barcelona’s population is about 5.7.

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“Bravo,” the European Jewish Congress tweeted. “We need to build bridges between peoples, not destroy them.”

Madrid mayor offered to partner with Tel Aviv, saying “it would be an honor to be twinned with Tel Aviv” after Barcelona’s mayor suspended relations with Israel & its capital

Bravo @AlmeidaPP_! We need to build bridges between peoples, not destroy them????????????????

— European Jewish Congress (@eurojewcong) February 9, 2023



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