Why is Siobhan McKenna the new chair of Australia Post?

Why is Siobhan McKenna the new chair of Australia Post?

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The Albanese government chose Lachlan Murdoch’s mate and confidante for the prestigious gig, despite her media — not logistics — background.

New Australia Post chair Siobhan McKenna (Image: Menzies Foundation)
New Australia Post chair Siobhan McKenna (Image: Menzies Foundation)

For the past 17 years, one of Lachlan Murdoch’s closest confidantes and chief sidekicks in Australia has been former McKinsey partner Siobhan McKenna. Last Thursday the Albanese government hand-picked her to be chair of Australia Post for the next three years.

From the day Murdoch spectacularly quit News Corp in July 2005 and announced he was returning to Australia to pursue his media career, McKenna has been by his side. They met when she was the flatmate of his girlfriend at the time, Kate Harbin Clammer, way back in the early ’90s.

McKenna has been the long-term CEO or “managing partner” of Murdoch’s private investment company Ilyria, owner of the Nova radio business, and joined him on the board of Ten Network Holdings during that troubled investment from 2010 until it collapsed in 2017.

Read more about just how busy a woman Siobhan McKenna is.

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About the Author

Stephen Mayne — Columnist and <em>Crikey</em> Founder” height=”160″ src=”https://www.crikey.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/stephen-mayne.jpg?w=256&h=256&crop=1″ width=”160″></img></p>
<p><a href=Stephen Mayne

Columnist and Crikey Founder @MayneReport

Stephen Mayne founded Crikey in February 2000 and has remained as a contributor since selling it in 2005. He’s a former Kennett government staffer and City of Melbourne councillor who is currently serving on City of Manningham in Melbourne’s east. He has also worked and volunteered in the shareholder advocacy and gambling reform space.

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